Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6, 2011

I just finished up my paper for Spirituality and the Transformational Journey a few days ago. The main part of the paper was a Rule of Life to keep my soul healthy in the midst of leadership. I didn't include journaling in my Rule of Life, but thinking about it now I probably should have. This is something that helps me process my feelings, emotions, and gives me time to think about how God is working in my life. I haven't been as faithful writing on here as I would have liked when I started in the beginning, but moving and transitioning in life has a way of sucking the life out of some things that we would like to do. It is my plan to be more rhythmic with my entry posts in the future, once life here in Kansas seems to be a bit more settled. I have finished the Good and Beautiful God for the second time. It is a good read, and as I was talking this morning with my mentor/partner we discussed how freeing it was to read the false narratives and know that we don't have to live our lives under those anymore. One of the biggest ones that stood out to me was that our worth and value doesn't depend on our actions. It is not a productivity gospel.