Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012

Persistent Prayer: Pastor Ken Redford preached on this topic on Sunday. Really spoke to me, and I never had thought of prayer in this way before. I want to continue to be persistent in my prayer. And as Audrey pointed out, that when we pray God will give us more of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:1-13).

Incarnational Missionaries: Talked about this in class today. Seeing the nature of the Church (Ecclesiology) in the light of Christ's life (Christology). Christ was sent by the Father, and He is now sending us.

Running in the mountains: Got to run 4 miles with my good friend Donnie Hinshaw today. Got to breathe really hard, talk about God, and connect on a physical & spiritual level.

Climbing up Soldier Mountain: Took the remainder of my lunch break today and climbed up to the top. Great view. Love finding God in the mountains.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4, 2012

Something that I have completely enjoyed and totally didn't expect in moving was already having such a close spiritual friend and brother in Christ Jesus. My relationship with this person started almost immeaditely and it was very clearly him pursuing my friendship, which was great! The conversations, prayers, encouragement, and laughter that we have been able to share together have been completely life giving and a wonderful gift from God.

Even yesterday I got to go with him to help cut down some massive tree limbs at another person's house. Serving side by side and helping this person with something that they couldn't do by themselves was great. And then last night sitting around a fire with our wives sharing stories and connecting in ways that never would have happened unless we were sitting around a fire. It was great. Truly a gift. Thanks be to God for our spiritual friends!