Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9, 2012

Persistent Prayer: Pastor Ken Redford preached on this topic on Sunday. Really spoke to me, and I never had thought of prayer in this way before. I want to continue to be persistent in my prayer. And as Audrey pointed out, that when we pray God will give us more of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:1-13).

Incarnational Missionaries: Talked about this in class today. Seeing the nature of the Church (Ecclesiology) in the light of Christ's life (Christology). Christ was sent by the Father, and He is now sending us.

Running in the mountains: Got to run 4 miles with my good friend Donnie Hinshaw today. Got to breathe really hard, talk about God, and connect on a physical & spiritual level.

Climbing up Soldier Mountain: Took the remainder of my lunch break today and climbed up to the top. Great view. Love finding God in the mountains.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4, 2012

Something that I have completely enjoyed and totally didn't expect in moving was already having such a close spiritual friend and brother in Christ Jesus. My relationship with this person started almost immeaditely and it was very clearly him pursuing my friendship, which was great! The conversations, prayers, encouragement, and laughter that we have been able to share together have been completely life giving and a wonderful gift from God.

Even yesterday I got to go with him to help cut down some massive tree limbs at another person's house. Serving side by side and helping this person with something that they couldn't do by themselves was great. And then last night sitting around a fire with our wives sharing stories and connecting in ways that never would have happened unless we were sitting around a fire. It was great. Truly a gift. Thanks be to God for our spiritual friends!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012

God has been showing me that no matter what life throws at us, He will walk with us through that. Hearing stories from people about the hurts and pain that they have experienced in their lives, or seeing it in their face as they tell you their story can seem very disheartening. Could even cause the one hearing to not want to get involved in the other person's pain. "Don't want to bring that into my life," they might say.
All around us, in every single person their is pain. There are stories that are dark. But, maybe it should be a bigger but...
God is in the business of redemption. Of healing. Of hope. Of love. Of new beginnings.
He is victorious! And one of my gifts to offer as a Pastor is God. God the Redeemer, Healer, Lover of their souls.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 20, 2012

This week has felt off.
It's one of those things where you just can't quite put your finger on it, but you know it's there.
Which in some ways can make it even more frustrating than knowing what is wrong.

I like clear cut things in my life.
If I'm given too many choices or my life is too loose than I revert to stagnation.
Yet, on the other hand if I'm too busy or things are too rigid I want to rebel against those as well.

Is finding balance in life a continual practice?
I think so...
And as I type that I'm a little disheartened knowing that I will always be testing, evaluating, etc... to make sure that my life is balanced right. It's not finding the balance and then it's always good. It takes constant work and effort.

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012

One of the great things about being an Associate Pastor is the fact that you don't have to preach every Sunday. I have really enjoyed this on a few different levels.

The first being that I don't have to prepare a sermon every week. I get at least 2 weeks every time. This helps in the preparation, marination?, and overall delivery of the sermon in my opinion.

Second, I get to hear someone else (Senior Pastor) preach. I get to share in the knowledge and work that he has put in, the words that God has given him that week.

Some notes from this last week's sermon:

"You just can't keep us from Jesus." - I really liked this quote.

Spiritual Growth doesn't happen by accident.

Develop good spiritual habits. Don't focus on the mess, focus on Christ.

Praise the Lord for not having to preach every Sunday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012


I thank You for the cool breeze this morning.
For the warmth of the sunshine.
And how they offset each other.

Thank You for coffee.
For Your love for me.

Help me Lord to continue to seek after You when things get difficult or I get busy.
You are my rock.
Yet, often times instead of standing on the Rock, I choose to swim alone,
and then I wonder why I am struggling or getting tired.
Don't let me lose sight of You.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 08, 2012

God has been bringing the theme of "family" more and more into the forefront of my life lately. Granted, it has been within some of the books that we are reading for the Master's Program, but also just in life.
Seeing how much affect we can have in our families, and the fact that if we all took care of our families 1st, quite a few of the "bigger" problems within society would take care of themselves because our families would be strong.
I guess my mindset has shifted some reading Crouch's "Culture Making". The realization that the places we have the most influence are the smaller ones. Individuals, families, small groups, close friends, Church.
Moving from the inside out rather than make a huge push and focus for something grandios only to have it fail or not reach it's potential because the infrastructure of individuals and families isn't there.